Why Us

Innovative Indoor Advertising IIA is a new way for advertisers to reach the desirable demographic, customers on the Go with disposable income. Indoor display advertisng is a novel advertising vehicle that enables advertisers to reach a target audience. Innovative Indoor Advertising specialises in cross promotional Indoor Advertising.It is a low cost fresh alternative that allows our clients the ability to target new clientele by neighbourhood, gender and even spending level. Our clients full color letter sized ads are placed in Golf clubs, sports clubs dressing rooms, elevators and common areas where they have a captive audience, the undivided attention of their target market.

Our form of advertising helps our clients:

  •  Increase revenue while reducing advertising costs.
  • Directly target clients that are in their demographic, geographic and even gender specifications.
  • Achieve the undivided attention of a customer base that has disposable income and is interested in the products and services being offered.
  • Co-brand with other businesses that share clientele, strengthening the image of their brand and keeping their company on the minds of their clients.

Your ads are placed in destinations that share clientele, strengthening the image of their brand and keeping their company on the minds of their clients. Your ads are placed in destinations where your client enjoy their lifestyle, keeping your business astride ahead of your competitors!

Indoor Advertising holds three distinct advantages over other advertising options:

Ad retention, Delivery of a targeted; pre-qualified audience and cost.

Ad retention.

Indoor advertising readers spend more time with your ad 1-4 minutes per visit versus other forms of advertising 5 to 30 seconds. Additionally our advertising is strategically placed in an environment where readers cannot turn the page or change the channel

Ad Targeted Pre-qualified Audience

In addition to having a captive audience, our clients have the ability to target customers who have a high likely hood of using their goods and services. With other forms of advertising you are spending money on ads that are being viewed by an audience that may or may not be interested in your business. In other words you spend less time, money and energy with Innovative Indoor to achieve greater results.


The cost of purchasing our advertising is a fraction of the cost of alternative media